
Deadline: 21st Feb 2025


About AGIT

AGIT is a public residency space which engages with the historical materials from left and social movements to address contemporary questions and present day struggles.

Our work operates across three different areas;

Central to AGIT is a series of funded residencies, which will explore different historical materials to make critical interventions in our present. AGIT is a nascent organisation so each residency will leave something behind to help us shape the space going forward, be that a collection of material, or something else. The residences are open to individuals, groups or collectives involved in political organising, theory, cultural, artistic or technological production.

To support this work AGIT will also be engaged in creating physical collections, digital resources and open data sets around political and social histories. AGIT will build on the rich history of radical publishing, libraries, and self-archiving in the left, by developing new forms of archival dissemination, ways of making things public and building technological and social infrastructures of open-access and exchange.

AGIT runs an ad-hoc public programme that builds on the work of these residencies through activities, such as exhibitions, reading groups, work-sessions, screenings, talks, workshops, and publications.

The people involved in AGIT work on a number of ongoing open archiving and software projects; digital archive and as well as supporting other archival initiatives that build collections and resources around labour and social movement histories. We will draw on this experience to collaborate and share skills and knowledge with our residents. The founders of the space are also involved in MayDay Rooms (London) and 0x2620 (Berlin). AGIT is currently a volunteer-run informal organisation supported by an advisory board of friends and supporters. AGIT is in part funded by The Foundation for Arts Initiatives (Ffai).

The space is also used on an ongoing basis by over ten social and labour movement groups, and self-organised education initiatives for meetings and other activities.



Residency Details

Due to the ongoing repression by the German state against all forms of Palestinian solidarity, including the withdrawal of funding to censor and suppress such activities, we want to use this open call to support those who are experiencing or resisting such oppression.

This open call is aimed at groups or individuals who are actively involved in local organising and/or community activities in Berlin and who are unable to obtain city, federal, or other forms of support due to their active work in solidarity with the Palestinian people or with those resisting repression in Germany. We ask you to outline these activities in the application process (see How to Apply section). 

Groups who are unable to secure other forms of support for similar political reasons which are not directly related to solidarity with Palestine are also welcome to apply, and encouraged to briefly explain their difficulties.

AGIT residencies should work within one or across three strands of AGIT activities, listed above. Each residency should draw on historical materials from social, left or labour movements to make critical interventions in our present. These can be digital sources or other open access collections, material from other archives, infoshops, libraries, personal collections, and some can be sourced / purchased through AGIT.

AGIT residencies are open in form, which means that what is produced during the residency can take any shape so long as it engages with the remit of the organisation. So far, residencies have included an online archival collection, exhibitions, a publication, video works, research projects, and a mural! See past and current residency projects here

The residency can draw on your ongoing work and interests but should be a distinct project for the time you are at AGIT. 

AGIT is a public facing organisation so each residency should have an element that addresses the public (such as an exhibition, event, publication etc). 

The timeframe of the residency can be up to a year however we would expect this to be shorter than this. Minimum timeframe would be a month, but this would include much more intensive working. At the start of each residency we would expect each person or group to provide a rough time frame and outline of intent. We understand that this can change over the course of the residency. 

AGIT works in English and German.

The open call is for one residency. We would like to keep applications on file for future residencies and opportunities. Please let us know if you don't want yours to be kept.

How we will support the residency: 

  1. The fees for the residency is 4000 €. It is open how you spend the fee, it could be as a solo fee, on production costs, to bring in other people etc. 
  2. Space at Nansenstrasse 2 (office, front room, events room and kitchen). Residents are able to use the space throughout their residency. There are other social movement groups that use the other spaces for meetings in the evening and sometimes as a work space, so use of the other rooms is not exclusive. Exhibitions and displays in the front rooms should be able to coexist with others in the space. 
  3. For those coming from outside Berlin, accommodation can be provided for the residency at a flat nearby AGIT. Please note this accommodation would have to fit in with other residencies.
  4. Support in sourcing material and developing a collection around the residency. The people involved in AGIT work on a number of ongoing open archiving and software projects; digital archive and as well as supporting other archival initiatives that build collections and resources around radical, labour and social movement histories. We will draw on this experience to collaborate and share skills and knowledge with residents.
  5. Support with production, printing, design, websites, exhibitions, recording etc. 
  6. Ongoing check-ins and discussion throughout the residency.
  7. Use of AGIT infrastructure: email, server space, website, software, publicity and networks.
  8. Support with building partnerships with other organisations. 



How To Apply:

  1. Please send in a 500 word proposal outline what you would like to use the residency for and how you would spend the fee. Remember that the residency should have a public element and your proposal should include this. Please also include when you are available for the residency and how long you would like to spend at AGIT. If you do not require accommodation please also state this. 
  2. Alongside this please send examples for your previous work that is relevant to the residency, this can take the form of a CV but doesn’t have to. 
  3. Please briefly explain how your application aligns with the focus of this residency call (see residency details).

Please send you application to

Deadline: 21st Feb 2025


We will then shortlist some applications and arrange to have a chat about the project and how it might work as a residency at AGIT. We will aim to get back to all applicants within four weeks after the final deadline.